Inspired by the beloved 60's fashion, the soft pastel blue knit from Primark paired with last years Zara polka dot mini skirt, gives off that subtle retro style, with the off-white Zara boots tying the look together, creating a more obvious connection to the 60's, topped off a longline vintage black coat, more than appropriate for the Autumn/Winter months. 

I turn the mind-boggling age of 21 next month, my thoughts aren't clear on how I feel regarding this, not that I am in any need or requirement to feel anything of such. Perhaps throwing out the idea that my age as a number will define me throughout life, has left my view on how to perceive my birthday differently. Right now I am just looking forward to having an excuse to dress up more than usual and getting extravagantly drunk on the night and few days surrounding the day I came kicking and screaming into the world. 

It's plastered everywhere that our twenties are bound to be an absolute great mess. Beautifully and tragically. Trying to get a grasp on whatever the fuck adult life is, realising how little we know of the most basic tasks and how truly ridiculous the world really is. Ironically we arrive at many conclusions and observations yet are left still with many other questions to tackle. Everything is just on-going, ever-changing, confusing, fulfilling and heartbreaking, but then again that's what makes life, life. The stories we're left with years from now, are all created through an abundant mess of mistakes, trial & errors, tears, laughter and experience, so I guess all the chaos endured makes a rich life story to share one day. 

the things I've learnt lately 

you must treat these years selfishly, you do you and be unapologetic for it.

The most common advice regarding our twenties, is this. Your twenties are your selfish years, we're young, the most free we've ever been and not fully settled yet. Enjoy, thrive, don't give too many fucks.

you have to get over other peoples opinions of you.

Something I struggle with hugely. I think we all do, don't we? It's human nature to want affection and acceptance from others, of course at times it'll bring us reassurance and comfort, but lately more than ever, I realise that constantly worrying for another ones approval or justification, holds me back and shatters my self worth. As long as you're kind, doing your own thing and happy, fuck what anyone else thinks, it literally does not matter. 

be proud of yourself.

Everyone's going down their own route, especially in their twenties, so it's easy to feel alienated on different paths to another, to have mis-understandings and differences you can't connect over. Life becomes a tough crowd and you end up having to be your own cheerleader now and then, which most definitely isn't a bad thing, it's hard at times, but I believe can fuel your own personal passion and journey of self love.

you'll regret not doing it, more than doing it.

I overthink exceedingly well, I am honestly the biggest obstacle when deciding whether or not to go for something. I don't know my own strengths enough, I don't let myself, so I deeply regret not going for things, realising it really wouldn't have been so bad if I just went for it. (Plus things always get easier the next time round).

at the end of the day, it's all down to you.

Plain and simple, no one is going to get your shit done for you. Want something? Go figure out how to make it happen, take the steps, put yourself out there and your plans into action. 

I suppose it all sounds very singular, perhaps lonely as well, but that is not the way it's meant, overall it's just about holding your own, because these years are unpredictable as British weather, you'll be thrown over and under by others and the curveballs of life, that most days it's down to solely you to keep going, fighting your corner and making shit work. Don't look at it as daunting, but empowering. 

with love, Kat
