About a week ago I had a massive breakout on my face. I have not had spots in months... so I was literally ready to cry. I was able to determine why this suddenly happened, and that was because of my diet. I've had a healthy and balanced diet for months now, every now and then I up it, or have cheat days, BUT I kind of lost it the other week, and was suddenly eating biscuits and chocolate everyday. Not good. 
So this takes me to my first advice for clearer skin [within a week]. 

-- It will help you a lot to find out why you have a breakout in the first place, that way you know where to start. Like myself, I had to detox & stop eating too much chocolate and too many biscuits. 
It may be because of the foundation you're wearing, the change in weather or it may just be, you know that time of the month. 

Above are a few essentials of what I used for the last week, that helped to clear my skin rapidly in just 7 days.

When you get a breakout, it is really important and just common sense to keep your face washed, and to make sure you don't touch the infected areas at all. What I did was only wore make up when I went to College, then I'd come home and take it off and apply spot cream. I normally just apply it before bed, so it'll work throughout the night. -- But applying it anytime you can helps a lot. 

I have oily-combination skin, & when the weather is immensely cold, I also get very dry skin. Yay. 
So most days I never moisturise because I don't need to, but during winter my skin can get very dry and dehydrated because of the cold weather, no matter how much water I drink. [I also find when you're trying to rid of spots and use spot cream, that also dries out your skin] - so I've found the Elemis hydra boost day cream to literally save my dried out skin. Apply it before putting on your makeup, wait for it to settle and it appears as if you've always had smooth glowing skin. I also have been using a natural olive cream before bed, which helps get rid of spot/ache scars which you may have had for a long time, or just after  you had a breakout.

One thing to keep in mind, is that moisturising your spots may close the pores back up, not allowing them to breathe. 

My biggest lifesaver over the 7 days, was green tea. I posted some links about the benefits of green tea in one of my previous posts, but once I started having a cup or two a day, my skin was rapidly clearing. 

I think drinking green tea and cutting chocolate and biscuits from my diet once again, really helped speed up the clearing of my skin. 
Also what I think we all need to remember and understand about having breakouts, is that they do happen, sometimes it's just a natural thing and there isn't really a reason as to why you have had one, and that everyones body/skin is different - we react differently to different products and methods. So everyones timings will be different, but here are my few tips that have worked for me personally. That doesn't always mean it'll work for you, but why not give it a try! 
& also remember, you have to be patient and not force yourself to go crazy over different methods, that could even end up making it worse! 

all my love