It's no surprise that a lot of us are afraid of the unknown, with no full control over what lies ahead, we have only our present choices that have some impact on our future path, yet nothing solid to anticipate and prepare for, we just have to sit tight on our ride and see how it all unfolds. So how do you become one of those who embraces uncertainty and lives for just now, fully immersed in the present? Some days I think I've gotten the hand of that mentality, with ongoing positivity, a fat ass smile permanently stuck on my face and a coffee in hand; but then something happens, something goes wrong, hormones explode, this, that, life... just happens. 

It's rare that you'll wake up each morning beaming like a ray of sunshine, though rest assured I'll always have a coffee in hand, however some days I'll be filled with nothing but dread as I peer into the distant future, wondering about the things I lack control over. I've come to the conclusion that it'll never be a way of 'being', the constant optimism and excitement for the vague horizons - not without those moments of doubt and worry, without the tears you cry when you just need for the day to end.  It's the balance that gives you the clarity, which then helps to move forward. 

When you meet someone with such light in their eyes, seemingly free of such anguish, don't be fooled into thinking that hurt doesn't hit them, that fear isn't something they feel and that the smile is always genuine. Everyone deals with life in their own way, we all progress on different paths and we all see things through dissimilar windows. 

We have such curiosity for the things we can't predict, we flirt at the thought of it, fantasise and giggle at what could be. We think and think, till the fun of it drifts away and we're full of panic. All it takes to proceed with a calmer sight of what's to come, is perception. How you perceive not knowing makes a huge difference to how you'll carry on and react to what comes.

Think, just think of every moment that has surprised you, the difference in months, comparison of your years, think of the good moments, the wondrous memories you've been blessed with, think of those and decide, are you going to live with an underlying trembling fear of what's coming, or have hope that no matter what happens, that despite the bad days and sad nights that no doubt may also come, that you'll still have something spectacular to look forward too. I know, you, we don't know what it is, but amazing things have happened and don't stop, so you can be sure they'll happen again. 

with love, Kat